Nice Weather For A Couple of Days, Unsettled Pattern Sets Up On Sunday


Last week, I spent several days at various places on the Pacific coast. The weather was fantastic. Today in Nashville is awfully close to what you find out west this time of year. If you took the day off, are at camp this week, or even mowing the grass, good move. This is about as good as it gets in mid-June. read more

Severe Threat Has Ended; Lots of Sun for the Weekend

Today’s Severe Threat Is Over

As we’ve been saying for several days, severe storms require certain ingredients. Most of them were in place, but we were lacking enough cold air aloft to get good updrafts going.

Weather balloon data is back! Shows lapse rates too low for severe weather here. Temps aren’t cold enough aloft to cause clouds to rise/lift fast enough to get robust vertical motion needed to create a storm capable of producing a rapidly rotating updraft (aka tornado). read more

Tornado Watch, Wind Advisory In Effect Until 7:00 pm

Tornado Watch in Effect Until 7:00 pm

Severe Weather Possibilities Today

We are expecting showers and thunderstorms today as a strong storm system moves through the Upper Plains and Great Lakes region. The system will drag a cold front across our area today bringing storms, some of which could be severe. read more

Windy, Severe Weather Possible Today; Cooler Air Returning This Weekend

Possible Severe Weather Today

Today will be another warm day with morning lows around 61°, but highs warming to around 73°. Southerly winds could gust even higher than today as a strong system approaches from the west. As far as storms go, let’s start general and work toward specifics. read more

Showers Continue Today; Severe Storm Possibilities Saturday; Nice Sunday

Story #1: Strong/Severe Storm Potential Saturday

The Storm Prediction Center has assigned a “2 out of 5” risk category for most of us on Saturday. Areas W of 65 has been in an Enhanced or “3 out of 5” risk category.

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Enjoy the Sunshine Today. Rain Returns Overnight. Second Half of Weekend Salvageable.

This pic is from The Gulch Cam as it basks in the sunshine and 60° temps as of 1:00 pm. 61° is our forecast high for today, so we’ll see if we nudge a degree or two above that. I’m sure we won’t mind if we do. If you like sunshine, enjoy today. Here’s why: read more

Sunny and Warmer Today; Rain Returns for Second Half of the Week

David, Will and I (this is Andrew) are good for each other. We’re the kind of friends that sit around and text each other at night about weather data. At 7:39 pm, David said “Feels like it’s gonna fog.” We continued by exchanging weather data numbers that would appear, to some, to be some kind of lock combination. It was a blast. read more

Rain Tonight; Cold Front Early Next Week

Few Thanksgivings in recent memory have been as nice weather-wise as yesterday. With a high of 61°, it was perfect for David’s Turkey Bowl, which he described yesterday.

So, every year I aim to leave 30% of the plate visible once I load it up with food. Each year I fail miserably. The problem is this: Once 70% of the plate is full, there’s still 30% of the buffet remaining left to visit. It’s simple math. But, that was yesterday. This is today. read more

Hot This Evening, Rain Chances Return Sunday and Through Mid-Week

Hot This Afternoon

At the 4:00 pm observation at BNA this afternoon, the temp was 94° with a dewpoint of 62°. It’s hot! Temps should cool to 72° tonight with rain chances very low, although a few spotty showers aren’t out of the question. read more

“Heat Wave” Today Followed By More Brrrr

Temps Are The Story Today

Ok. Let’s get above freezing today. What do you say?

Our low of 16° this morning should warm to 34° at BNA today, breaking our streak of temps below freezing…but only for a few hours. Remember, our temp has been below 32° since Saturday evening. But, I don’t think I have to tell you that. read more