“Cooled” Off But Not Really

No more upper 90’s, but it will still be in the low 90’s with dewpoints in the mid 70’s, will equal heat index nearing 105°. Better? Yes. Noticeable? Eh.

Looks like we won’t be able to shake the 90’s for a while. Just like all the fashion trends that are still around. read more

Hoping The Wattery Bails Us Out One Last Time

See the source image

Most of us have struck luck with the Wattery the past two days, bailing us out from the heat index getting to excessive territory. We just need one more day of that.

If not, temps will surge up into the upper 90’s, dewpoints in the mid 70’s = heat index pushing 110°, reason for the Excessive Heat Warning for today. read more

Excessive Heat Warning And Severe Storms - A Double Edged Sword + Drought Update

On one edge of the blade, you have super hot, uncomfortable temperature + dewpoint combo, but there is no severe weather. On the other edge, you get kinda hot, but then a shower/storm comes and cools you down. Maybe not the easiest choice. Good thing Mother Nature decides for you. read more

Excessive Heat Warning Thru Friday, Hopes of Getting Cooled Off By (Severe?) Storms

Since 1986, NWS Nashville has only ever issued an Excessive Heat Warning four times. Once in 2010, twice in 2011, and now again today. The only previous one that included Davidson and Williamson counties was in 2010, also on a Wednesday. Point being, this degree of heat and humidity is quite rare, and is dangerous. read more

Dangerous Heat + Dewpoint Combo Thru Friday, The Wattery Has Few Winning Tickets

It’s going to be downright hot. No other way to put it.

Take it easy if you have to be outside today. This heat will overwhelm you faster than you think, no matter how well you think you can handle it, similar to your crazy ex. read more

Probably Rain-Free But Hazy Fireworks Tonight, Heat Advisory Likely All Week

Besides probably sweating a lot, the 4th looks pretty good. Temps in the mid/upper 90’s, paired with dewpoints hovering around the 70° mark, will lead to heat index in the 100-105° range, which is cooler than the rest of this week will be…I might just stay inside and watch Joey Chestnut eat more hot dogs in 10 minutes than I ever have. read more

Playing The Wattery Today and The 4th, Stupid Hot Makes A Return

Some of us won the Wattery yesterday.

Will. Co got a bit more.

Some of us did not win. That’s the name of the game. Sometimes ya win, sometimes ya lose.

Whether you like it or not, you’re playing again today. IDK if you’ll win or lose (whichever way you see it). read more

Playing The Wattery For The 4th Weekend

As a refresher, wattery pun = playing the lottery for rain, who knows who will win, watery as in the water our crunchy grass desperately needs, and watt as in electricity with lightning in any of these storms. Super punny, I know. read more

Embracing Uncertainty With Summertime Pop-Ups

Clouds this morning has knocked the forecasted high down to “only” 94. With the dewpoints in the upper 60’s it’ll still feel closer to 100.

Currently some rain in NW Tennessee and Kentucky. Models don’t think this rain makes it to us and dissipates before arrival. read more

Your Dry Crunchy Grass Awaits

It’s still hot. Dewpoints in the mid 60’s will make it feel a lot closer to the 100° mark today.

Maybe pop-up showers/lightningstorms, but HRRR (and most) models think this stays to our east, letting us roast. read more