Less Humid but It’s Not Yet Time To Celebrate the Vile Brew

A north wind is carrying drier, less humid air into town. Check out these dewpoints today through Sunday morning:

It’s not Fall tho, so delay your PSL excitement, temps are still Summer:

But it’s OK to celebrate this Big Weather Improvement. NWS-Nashville suggested leaving your windows open tonight!

Tangent: Celebrate PSLs if you want, I don’t really care, and if I did care and you wanted to celebrate the Vile Brew why should you care what I think about what tastes good? You shouldn’t! I tried the PSL last year. It tasted like a group of pumpkins drank cinnamon booze all night and one of them threw up in the bushes near Hard Rock off Broadway. Sure, it was nice that they went out to celebrate an Approaching Fall Wedding Scheduled for Kickoff of the Iron Bowl, and yeah it was nice someone was holding the vomiter’s hair which is True Friend Level, and you can dress that scene up with whipped cream but once we get down to it all it’s pumpkin puke in a cup. It’s giving Fall a bad name. End Tangent.

Humidity will jump from Comfortable to Sticky Sunday through Weds.

  • A few upper level disturbances may set off a few showers Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons. Meh.
  • Wednesday, along comes another front to knock the humidity back down.

The new Drought Monitor still has the west half of us Abnormally Dry with western Will Co in a Moderate Drought.

Note the fine print — those are “broad-scale conditions,” I’m supersure some of y’all got backyards that are no longer droughty.

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