Is The Rain Over? Maybe Not?

Heavy rain got many of us this weekend. Others, not so much. Today the rain is more likely in southern Middle Tennessee. Notice the HRRR model, below . . .

. . . it’s got a few downpours south of I-40 today. Those north: nothing.

Previous model runs had “crazy Ivan” showers (those move from east to west) for those along and north of I-40 later today.

And WPC just included those north of I-40 in the marginal risk of flash flooding today:

Day 1 Excessive Rainfall Forecast

Previously, that line was drawn along I-40. So maybe there is something to this. Don’t be surprised if a Crazy Ivan shower rolls into Nashville today. But the HRRR (for now) thinks some of us will see only a little rain today, with most of us getting nothing.

No severe worries. Lightning is possible but other hazards aren’t a concern.

What About the Heat?

The recent rain and cloud coverage will keep temps the same tomorrow. Wednesday will be a few degrees warmer as things dry out and skies clear. Heat index, as of now, is forecasted to be in the mid 90s. Dewps will be down a smidge, too …. but still muggy.

Afternoon pop up rain chances return Thursday/Friday. Saturday looks maybe ok? Sunday, not so much. Details too fuzzy and unreliable to comment further.