Current Temps and Radar
Tonight – Dry & Cool, Rain Chance Returns this Evening
Clouds have increased today as a low pressure system approaches from the west:
That system will bring us a chance for rain this evening, though the majority will stay south of us, along the southern state line:
Dreary overnight tonight, as cloud cover and a few light showers linger.
Wednesday – Small Chance for Some Early Showers – Wake Up: 49º, High: 70º
We may catch a few pesky, leftover showers as that low pressure system moves past us tomorrow.
Once it’s gone, the clouds will begin to break up and we’ll catch some sun in the afternoon with temps climbing to 70º once again.
Thursday – PM Showers – Wake Up: 49º, High: 68º
Another day, another shot at some rain…although, the chance remains slim.
A low pressure system near the Great Lakes region (Yeah, they come from all directions…persistent, those low pressure systems…) and swing a cold front down our direction.
Best chance is just for some more showers Thursday afternoon and evening.
After that rain moves out, things are looking fantastic for Friday and the weekend!
Extended: Sunny and 75º by Saturday!
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