
Current Temps and Radar

The rain is gone. Here comes 69°, 75°, and 70°.

NWS - Mozilla Firefox 2015-03-15 08.13.57


Today – Sunny – High 70°

High pressure will continue to build throughout the day, meaning we will be sunny with temps in the 70°s. We have finally found beautiful Spring-like weather!

Tonight we will remain clear and temps will dip down into the 40’s.

Monday – Warm & Sunny – Wake Up 42°, High 75°

Sunny and 75!

Overnight temps will only drop into the 50’s.

Tuesday – Partly Sunny – Wake Up 53°, High 70°

Cloud cover will begin to build in but temps will still reach the 70°s.

Overnight we will be mostly cloudy and temps will drop into the 40°s.

Rain chances will return by Wednesday as a low pressure disturbance makes it into Nashville.



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