Current Official Hourly Observation (taken at :53 on the hour)
This has nothing to do with weather. Ever wonder why Darth Vader shouldn’t play baseball?
(Editor’s Note: I can honestly say “no” to that question)
He will destroy the Deathstar (AKA The Supermoon) with one swing of his light saber. No fear, the Supermoon will return September 9th.
(Editor’s Note: how is it the light saber did not vaporize the baseball? I’m confused. Anyway.)
Rain Totals
Davidson and Williamson Counties got a little bit of rain in the past 24 hours (7:00 AM Monday – 7:00 AM Tuesday) but the largest rain totals fell just to the east.
Davidson County:
Williamson County:
Today- Drying Out – High 85
The disturbance that brought us showers and thunderstorms yesterday is long gone, leaving Middle Tennessee with cooler and drier conditions. These pleasant conditions can be attributed to the dry stable air mass that has begun to settle over Nashville.
Here is a look via water vapor imagery. Black = dry, white = wet, blue = very wet.
Wednesday & Thursday – Pleasant
We will be cooler and drier than normal with low temps in the lower 60’s and highs only topping out in the low to mid 80’s, all under mostly sunny skies. The better news is that the oppressive humidity will be gone, at least for the next few days.
In fact, the next chance of rain isn’t until Sunday.
Extended Forecast:
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